SIPI Pepper image

cv2.bilateralFilter(src, d, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace[, dst[, borderType]])

If you want to apply cv2.bilaterFilter() in near real-time applications such as using webcam or read video stream as the image input, here’re some tricks:

  • The value of sigmaSpace should be kept as small as possible.

    When using sigmaSpace larger than 5, for example, with 640x480 input size, the processing time will make your application extremely laggy.

  • Or you can scale down the original image to apply bilateralFilter on, so that the bilateral filter can process the smaller input faster. After that, just scale the filtered image back to its original size. Usually, the filtered differences caused by the scaling are not a problem.

Further information can be found in OpenCV document.

Here is a smple code to test the bilateral filter.

import numpy as np
import cv2

sigmaColor = 80
sigmaSpace = 9 ## large value will slow down the program dramatically

frame = cv2.imread('./pics/peppers.png', 1)
smoothed = cv2.bilateralFilter(frame, -1, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace)
res = np.hstack((frame, smoothed))
cv2.imwrite('./pics/peppers_res.png', res)
