Quite a while ago, I tried to setup the Coral Dev Board but failed. This time I follow the guide again and get the setup done, but still encounter some problems. Here is an imcomplete note of my test. Hope I could find some time to make it useful to my projects…

Reflash the board

  • Downloaded image: enterprise-eagle-20200724205123.zip

Cannot run the default demos

The document Run a demo with the camera read:

The Mendel system image on the Dev Board includes two demos that perform real-time image classification and object detection with the Edge TPU API.

However, there were no edgetpu_classify or edgetpu_detect in the system.

Also, another part of the document stated that the Edge TPU API is deprecated:

This API is deprecated: Instead try the PyCoral API.

Maybe the new Medel OS has no the default demos?

Try PyCoral API examples

Clone the repo of google-coral/pycoral to run the examples.


  • Command:
    python3 classify_image.py \
      -m ../test_data/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_quant_edgetpu.tflite \
      -i ../test_data/bird.bmp \
      -l ../test_data/imagenet_labels.txt
  • Output:
    ----INFERENCE TIME----
    Note: The first inference on Edge TPU is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory.
    chickadee: 0.98047


  • Command:

    python3 detect_image.py \
      -m ../test_data/ssd_mobilenet_v2_face_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite \
      -i ../test_data/face.jpg \
      -l ../test_data/coco_labels.txt
  • Output:

    ----INFERENCE TIME----
    Note: The first inference is slow because it includes loading the model into Edge TPU memory.
    50.65 ms
    29.95 ms
    28.92 ms
    29.95 ms
    23.17 ms
      id:     0
      score:  0.99609375
      bbox:   BBox(xmin=102, ymin=52, xmax=244, ymax=217)
      id:     0
      score:  0.99609375
      bbox:   BBox(xmin=238, ymin=20, xmax=370, ymax=177)
      id:     0
      score:  0.83203125
      bbox:   BBox(xmin=1, ymin=87, xmax=64, ymax=162)
      id:     0
      score:  0.5
      bbox:   BBox(xmin=432, ymin=102, xmax=503, ymax=187)